The Dance Shoppe offers a wide variety professional service and we pride ourselves on strong customer service. Ask about our VIP and Frequent Buyer programs.
“Having an “Open House”? The Dance Shoppe can come set up a table to assist your customers in their dance wear needs.
Recital time… Let the Dance Shoppe put up a table to sell unique dance gifts. The Dance Shoppe will even give back a small percentage of the sells to the studio.
Pre-pointe classes… The Dance Shoppe will come to your pre-pointe class and provide a “Pointe Shoe Fitting Seminar”. We go over what to expect at the first fitting as well as the history and the anatomy of a Pointe shoe.
Fundraisers for the studio… The Dance Shoppe has partnered up with Eurotard. Once enrolled, they will give a studio a small percentage of sales from your student’s purchases. Contact the Dance Shoppe for more details.
Pageant and modeling coaching… The Dance Shoppe will give private classes/ lessons to your pageant or modeling contestant. Contact us for more information.
For more information on how to take advantage of all of these services, and more, just email or call and our friendly staff with be glad to assist you.